The Detroit housing market has experienced historic levels of foreclosures, disinvestment, and demolitions. Over 1 in 4 properties has been foreclosed due to property tax foreclosure since 2011 and many of these foreclosures were due to inaccurate, inflated assessments. These assessments remain problematic even after the City of Detroit undertook its first citywide reassessment in over 60 years which became effective in 2017.
Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, tax foreclosures have been halted and assessments have become more accurate. Detroit’s housing market has begun to recover with some neighborhoods even gentrifying. Yet, the system remains inequitable especially for low-income homeowners of color.
This analysis focuses on single family homes (class 401) which were taxable, sold for more than $2000, and marked as arm’s length by the assessor. Additionally, using the cmfproperty
package, the IAAO arm’s length standard was applied to the data. This will present a conservative picture of the housing market in Detroit. Note that homes in Detroit as supposed to be assessed at most at 50% of their fair market value.
homes_counts <- dplyr::tbl(con, 'assessments') %>% filter(propclass == 401) %>%
count(year) %>% collect()
ggplot(homes_counts, aes(x=year, y=n)) +
geom_line(color='light blue', size=2) +
scale_y_continuous(labels=scales::comma, limit=c(0, NA)) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks=scales::pretty_breaks()) +
labs(x='Year', y='Count of 401 properties', title='Number of Homes in Detroit \nDecreased from 2011')
The sales ratio is a key unit for analyzing the accuracy of assessments. It is calculated by taking the ratio of a property’s sale price to its assessment at the time of sale. The sales ratios can be evaluated using metrics from the International Association of Assessing Officers.
iaao <- cmfproperty::iaao_graphs(stats=stats, ratios=ratios, min_reporting_yr = 2012, max_reporting_yr = 2019, jurisdiction_name = 'Detroit')
For 2019, the COD in Detroit was 42.94 which did not meet the IAAO standard for uniformity.
In 2019, the PRD in Detroit, was 1.341 which does not meet the IAAO standard for vertical equity.
In 2019, the PRB in Detroit was -0.354 which indicates that sales ratios decrease by 35.4% when home values double. This does not meet the IAAO standard.
bs <- cmfproperty::binned_scatter(ratios = ratios, min_reporting_yr = 2012, max_reporting_yr = 2019, jurisdiction_name = 'Detroit')
In 2019, the most expensive homes (the top decile) were assessed at 22.9% of their value and the least expensive homes (the bottom decile) were assessed at 72.6%. In other words, the least expensive homes were assessed at 3.18 times the rate applied to the most expensive homes. Across our sample from 2012 to 2019, the most expensive homes were assessed at 27.1% of their value and the least expensive homes were assessed at 111.8%, which is 4.12 times the rate applied to the most expensive homes.
We have multiple questions to consider when modeling overassessment. First, we can only accurately judge if a home was overassessed if it sold. Second, since assessments were generally high, even though a ratio of 50% is the ‘perfect’ assessment, a cutoff of 50% may not truly be the best way to model overassessment.
gdata_16 <- ratios %>% filter(SALE_YEAR == 2016) %>%
group_by(sale_bin = ntile(SALE_PRICE, 10)) %>%
summarize(`Percent Over 50%` = length(parcel_num[RATIO > .5]) / n(),
`Percent Over 100%` = length(parcel_num[RATIO > 1]) / length(parcel_num[RATIO > .5]))
ggplot(gdata_16, aes(x=sale_bin, y=`Percent Over 100%`)) +
geom_point() + geom_line() +
labs(x='Sale Decile', title='Rate of Extreme Overassessment by Bin',
y='Share of Extremely Overassessed Properties') +
The above figure shows the rate of extreme overassessment in 2016, or proportion of overassessed properties which were extremely overassessed. Extreme overassessment is defined as properties assessed at more than twice their sale price. Lower value properties are much more likely to be extremely overassessed.
ggplot(ratios %>% filter(SALE_YEAR == 2016), aes(x=RATIO)) + geom_boxplot()
ggplot(ratios %>% filter(SALE_YEAR == 2016), aes(x=RATIO)) + geom_density()
About 33% of ratios are less than .4, 33% are between .4 and .67, and 33% are above .67. It is clear that there are significant differences between a ratio of 1 and .2, but any boundary we select will create difficulties predicting class differences where ratios of say .49 and .51 are on different sides of the boundary.
Let’s try three classifications schemes.
First, in order to capture some of this variability between high and low ratios, let’s choose multiple classes arbitrarily:
Second, just let underassessed be ratio <= .5 and overassessed be ratio > .5.
Third, have extremely overassessed properties have ratio >= .8 with other properties ratio < .8
targ_ratios <- ratios %>% filter(between(SALE_YEAR, 2014, 2019)) %>%
mutate(class = case_when(
RATIO <= .4 ~ 'Under',
RATIO <= .67 ~ 'Normal',
TRUE ~ 'Over'
class = factor(class, levels = c('Under', 'Normal', 'Over')),
class2 = if_else(RATIO <= .5, 'Under', 'Over'),
class3 = if_else(RATIO <= .8, 'Under', 'Over'))
targ_ratios %>% count(class) %>%
kableExtra::kable() %>%
kableExtra::kable_material(c("striped", "hover"))
class | n |
Under | 15086 |
Normal | 9159 |
Over | 8631 |
targ_ratios %>% count(class2) %>%
kableExtra::kable() %>%
kableExtra::kable_material(c("striped", "hover"))
class2 | n |
Over | 13427 |
Under | 19449 |
targ_ratios %>% count(class3) %>%
kableExtra::kable() %>%
kableExtra::kable_material(c("striped", "hover"))
class3 | n |
Over | 6224 |
Under | 26652 |
joined_ratios <-
targ_ratios %>%
class, class2, class3,
mutate(sale_date = ymd(sale_date)) %>%
dplyr::tbl(con, 'parcels') %>% select(
) %>% distinct() %>% collect(),
) %>%
filter(! %>% tibble() %>%
mutate(sp_log = log10(SALE_PRICE))
joined_classification <- joined_ratios %>% filter(SALE_YEAR == 2016)
Combining information from the sales, assessments, and parcels table, our formula is:
class ~ total_square_footage + ASSESSED_VALUE + year_built + X + Y
cor_output %>%
kableExtra::kable() %>%
kableExtra::kable_material(c("striped", "hover"))
term | total_square_footage | ASSESSED_VALUE | year_built | X | Y |
total_square_footage | .41 | .18 | -.11 | .14 | |
ASSESSED_VALUE | .41 | .09 | -.04 | .14 | |
year_built | .18 | .09 | -.18 | .36 | |
X | -.11 | -.04 | -.18 | .20 | |
Y | .14 | .14 | .36 | .20 |
Since we don’t have a lot of arm’s length sales in 2016 (about 4200), we may want to use a training method which resamples our data. Initially, I will use 10-fold cross validation to train and aggregate ten models. For our classification model, we will initially use a random forest of 500 trees. More on that later.
recipe(class ~
parcel_num + total_square_footage + ASSESSED_VALUE +
year_built + X + Y,
data=joined_classification) %>%
update_role(parcel_num, new_role = 'PARCELID') %>%
step_log(ASSESSED_VALUE) %>%
step_interact(~c(ASSESSED_VALUE, total_square_footage, X, Y)) %>%
step_impute_linear(total_square_footage, year_built, X, Y) %>%
step_ns(X, Y) %>%
Our recipe is above. Key steps highlighted:
## `geom_smooth()` using method = 'gam' and formula 'y ~ s(x, bs = "cs")'
## `geom_smooth()` using method = 'gam' and formula 'y ~ s(x, bs = "cs")'
Our tidymodels
workflow requires a model, formula, and recipe. Some of these pieces will be the same across our three specifications.
folds <- rsample::vfold_cv(joined_classification, v = 10)
class_model <-
rand_forest(trees = 500) %>%
set_mode('classification') %>%
class_recipe <- recipe(class + class2 + class3 ~
parcel_num + total_square_footage + ASSESSED_VALUE +
year_built + X + Y,
data=joined_classification) %>%
update_role(parcel_num, new_role = 'PARCELID') %>%
step_log(ASSESSED_VALUE) %>%
step_interact(~c(ASSESSED_VALUE, total_square_footage, X, Y)) %>%
step_impute_linear(total_square_footage, year_built, X, Y) %>%
step_ns(X, Y, deg_free = 20) %>%
step_corr(all_predictors()) %>%
## Recipe
## Inputs:
## role #variables
## outcome 3
## predictor 5
## Training data contained 4130 data points and 58 incomplete rows.
## Operations:
## Log transformation on ASSESSED_VALUE [trained]
## Interactions with ASSESSED_VALUE + total_square_footage + X + Y [trained]
## Linear regression imputation for total_square_footage, year_built, X, Y [trained]
## Natural Splines on X, Y [trained]
## Correlation filter removed no terms [trained]
class_recipe %>% summary() %>% view()
joined_classification) %>% view()
first_workflow <-
workflow() %>%
add_model(class_model) %>%
add_recipe(class_recipe %>%
update_role(class2, new_role='not used') %>%
update_role(class3, new_role='not used'))
model_fit <- first_workflow %>%
fit_resamples(folds, control=control_resamples(save_pred=TRUE))
#collect_metrics(model_fit, summarize=FALSE)
our_results <- collect_metrics(model_fit, summarize=TRUE)
our_results %>%
kableExtra::kable() %>%
kableExtra::kable_material(c("striped", "hover"))
.metric | .estimator | mean | n | std_err | .config |
accuracy | multiclass | 0.4271186 | 10 | 0.0056405 | Preprocessor1_Model1 |
roc_auc | hand_till | 0.6127901 | 10 | 0.0053046 | Preprocessor1_Model1 |
our_preds <- collect_predictions(model_fit, summarize=TRUE)
our_preds %>%
count(.pred_class) %>%
kableExtra::kable() %>%
kableExtra::kable_material(c("striped", "hover"))
.pred_class | n |
Under | 1616 |
Normal | 1028 |
Over | 1486 |
conf_mat(our_preds, estimate=.pred_class, truth=class)
## Truth
## Prediction Under Normal Over
## Under 783 415 418
## Normal 285 362 381
## Over 374 493 619
Our model has pretty mediocre accuracy of 0.427. We might not have enough separations to predict three classes like this, although the most common prediction for each class was the correct class.
second_workflow <-
workflow() %>%
add_model(class_model) %>%
add_recipe(class_recipe %>%
update_role(class, new_role='not used') %>%
update_role(class3, new_role='not used'))
model_fit2 <- second_workflow %>%
fit_resamples(folds, control=control_resamples(save_pred=TRUE))
our_results <- collect_metrics(model_fit2, summarize=TRUE)
our_results %>%
kableExtra::kable() %>%
kableExtra::kable_material(c("striped", "hover"))
.metric | .estimator | mean | n | std_err | .config |
accuracy | binary | 0.5917676 | 10 | 0.0088723 | Preprocessor1_Model1 |
roc_auc | binary | 0.6291970 | 10 | 0.0078129 | Preprocessor1_Model1 |
our_preds <- collect_predictions(model_fit2, summarize=TRUE)
our_preds %>%
count(.pred_class) %>%
kableExtra::kable() %>%
kableExtra::kable_material(c("striped", "hover"))
.pred_class | n |
Over | 2245 |
Under | 1885 |
conf_mat(our_preds, estimate=.pred_class, truth=class2)
## Truth
## Prediction Over Under
## Over 1345 900
## Under 786 1099
Better but not great still!
third_workflow <-
workflow() %>%
add_model(class_model) %>%
add_recipe(class_recipe %>%
update_role(class, new_role='not used') %>%
update_role(class2, new_role='not used'))
model_fit3 <- third_workflow %>%
fit_resamples(folds, control=control_resamples(save_pred=TRUE))
our_results <- collect_metrics(model_fit3, summarize=TRUE)
our_results %>%
kableExtra::kable() %>%
kableExtra::kable_material(c("striped", "hover"))
.metric | .estimator | mean | n | std_err | .config |
accuracy | binary | 0.7326877 | 10 | 0.0070657 | Preprocessor1_Model1 |
roc_auc | binary | 0.6076624 | 10 | 0.0120732 | Preprocessor1_Model1 |
our_preds <- collect_predictions(model_fit3, summarize=TRUE)
our_preds %>%
count(.pred_class) %>%
kableExtra::kable() %>%
kableExtra::kable_material(c("striped", "hover"))
.pred_class | n |
Over | 285 |
Under | 3845 |
conf_mat(our_preds, estimate=.pred_class, truth=class3)
## Truth
## Prediction Over Under
## Over 126 159
## Under 945 2900
Lots of incorrectly predicted classes here.
Based on our three possible specifications, I’m going to analyze specification two for now.
our_preds <- collect_predictions(model_fit2, summarize=TRUE)
multi_metric <- metric_set(recall, specificity, precision, accuracy, f_meas)
multi_metric(our_preds, truth=class2, estimate=.pred_class) %>%
kableExtra::kable() %>%
kableExtra::kable_material(c("striped", "hover"))
.metric | .estimator | .estimate |
recall | binary | 0.6311591 |
specificity | binary | 0.5497749 |
precision | binary | 0.5991091 |
accuracy | binary | 0.5917676 |
f_meas | binary | 0.6147166 |
Some initial views on our model:
joined_classification %>%
mutate(pred = our_preds$.pred_class,
bin = ntile(SALE_PRICE, 10)) %>%
group_by(bin) %>%
summarize(avg_sp = dollar(mean(SALE_PRICE)),
share_correct = percent(sum(class2 == pred) / n()),
share_over = percent(sum(class2 == 'Over') / n())) %>%
kableExtra::kable() %>%
kableExtra::kable_material(c("striped", "hover"))
bin | avg_sp | share_correct | share_over |
1 | $6,537.67 | 54% | 94% |
2 | $10,888.03 | 66% | 89% |
3 | $14,779.72 | 65% | 85% |
4 | $18,521.82 | 68% | 75% |
5 | $22,706.94 | 65% | 64% |
6 | $26,898.65 | 61% | 46% |
7 | $31,637.01 | 55% | 29% |
8 | $38,730.77 | 48% | 18% |
9 | $50,132.23 | 47% | 10% |
10 | $117,497 | 64% | 5% |
roc_curve(our_preds, class2, .pred_Over) %>%
Generating our own assessments (for 2019) is very similar to modeling overassessment. Initially, I will use the same recipe and formula except replacing class with sale price. I will also demonstrate the xgboost (boosted decision tree) package. Boosted decision trees are similar to random forests except each tree is created iteratively in a process of continuous improvement.
Training and testing will occur across 2014 to 2018 with a 90/10 split based on time. Predictions will then be made for 2019 compared to the baseline of actual assessed values. Workflow is the same except that xgboost requires us to bake our data first.
time_split <- rsample::initial_time_split(
joined_ratios %>% filter(between(SALE_YEAR, 2013, 2018)) %>%
train <- training(time_split)
test <- testing(time_split)
reg_model <- boost_tree(trees=200) %>%
set_mode('regression') %>%
reg_recipe <- recipe(sp_log ~ total_square_footage +
year_built + X + Y + sale_date,
data=train) %>%
step_date(sale_date, features = c("dow", "month", "year"), keep_original_cols = FALSE) %>%
step_interact(~c(total_square_footage, X, Y)) %>%
step_impute_linear(total_square_footage, year_built, X, Y) %>%
step_dummy(all_nominal(), one_hot = TRUE) %>%
reg_recipe %>% bake(train)
reg_workflow <-
workflow() %>%
add_model(reg_model) %>%
model_fit_reg <- reg_workflow %>%
our_preds <- model_fit_reg %>% augment(train)
multi_metric <- metric_set(mape, rmse, rsq)
multi_metric(our_preds, truth=sp_log, estimate=.pred) %>%
kableExtra::kable() %>%
kableExtra::kable_material(c("striped", "hover"))
.metric | .estimator | .estimate |
mape | standard | 3.5309607 |
rmse | standard | 0.1943133 |
rsq | standard | 0.6467237 |
Our model:
our_preds <- model_fit_reg %>% augment(
multi_metric(our_preds, truth=sp_log, estimate=.pred) %>%
kableExtra::kable() %>%
kableExtra::kable_material(c("striped", "hover"))
.metric | .estimator | .estimate |
mape | standard | 4.3727647 |
rmse | standard | 0.2462629 |
rsq | standard | 0.3514481 |
Actual assessments:
multi_metric(our_preds, truth=sp_log, estimate=log10(2*ASSESSED_VALUE)) %>%
kableExtra::kable() %>%
kableExtra::kable_material(c("striped", "hover"))
.metric | .estimator | .estimate |
mape | standard | 5.0639400 |
rmse | standard | 0.2906235 |
rsq | standard | 0.4073864 |
ratios <- cmfproperty::reformat_data(
our_preds %>% mutate(av_pred = 0.5 * 10^.pred),
## [1] "Renaming already present column 'ASSESSED_VALUE' to 'ASSESSED_VALUE_2'."
## [1] "Filtered out non-arm's length transactions"
## [1] "Inflation adjusted to 2018"
bs <- cmfproperty::binned_scatter(ratios = ratios, min_reporting_yr = 2018, max_reporting_yr = 2018,
jurisdiction_name = 'Detroit')
In 2018, the most expensive homes (the top decile) were assessed at 28.3% of their value and the least expensive homes (the bottom decile) were assessed at 82.8%. In other words, the least expensive homes were assessed at 2.92 times the rate applied to the most expensive homes. Across our sample from 2018 to 2018, the most expensive homes were assessed at 28.3% of their value and the least expensive homes were assessed at 82.8%, which is 2.92 times the rate applied to the most expensive homes.